Breaking The Castle Productions was co-founded by Peter Cook and Sam Henderson as a way of keeping the stage show Breaking the Castle alive and stable throughout COVID 19, and to ensure that the seasons at The Hothouse Theatre in Albury and Riverside Theatres Parramatta were able to happen.
BTC Productions has been working closely with QPAC and Oombarra Productions to help successfully deliver the Brisbane season of Breaking the Castle.
BTC Productions looks forward to collaborating with producing and presenting partners to deliver future seasons of Breaking the Castle in Australia and overseas, with an eye on continuing to develop new Australian work across the mediums of theatre, film and television.
BTC Productions recognises that this season at QPAC would not be able to happen without Bain Stewart and Leah Purcell at Oombarra Productions and the Vision of Jono Perry at QPAC and would like to extend a big thanks to the whole QPAC team.
PO Box 3567, South Bank, Queensland 4101 T: (07) 3840 7444 W:
Chair Professor Peter Coaldrake AO
Deputy Chair Leigh Tabrett PSM
Trust Members Julian Myers, Georgina Richters, Susan Rix AM, Murray Saylor
Executive Staff
Chief Executive: John Kotzas AM
Executive Director – Stakeholder Engagement Strategy: Jackie Branch
Executive Director – Philanthropy and Partnerships: Zoë Connolly
Executive Director – Visitation: Roxanne Hopkins
Executive Director – Venue Infrastructure and Production Services: Bill Jessop
Executive Director – Curatorial: Jono PerryExecutive Director – Business Performance: Kieron Roost
The Queensland Performing Arts Trust is a statutory body of the State of Queensland and is partially funded by the Queensland Government
The Honourable Leeanne Enoch MP: Minister for Communities and Housing, Minister for Digital Economy and Minister for the Arts
Director-General, Department of Communities and Housing and Digital Economy: Ms Clare O’Connor
We pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestors of this land, their spirits and their legacy. The foundations laid by these ancestors – our First Nations Peoples – gives strength, inspiration and courage to current and future generations, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, towards creating a better Queensland.
Cluster Arts is a global conduit for Australian artists in circus, physical theatre and theatre. We boldly seek opportunities to empower, advocate and elevate artists to make work in a financially stable way. We unapologetically deliver the incredible value of the arts to society. We humbly tell a big story. In 2025 we will be recognised as a global production house focused on profitability and sustainability for creatives.
This will be achieved by producing 100 major international tours in 2025. Based in Brisbane, Australia, Cluster Arts are industry leaders in Arts management – the unsexy but important ‘backstage’ businesses that supports and nurtures exciting and unforgettable performances. At Cluster Arts, all roads leader to supporting our artists: we manage the ‘backend’ business for artists to help create meaningful and sustainable living through their art. We’re experts in producing and touring, business development, funding, and auspicing to support our artists, and the industry, through our advocacy.